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See Clearly Again: Signs You Need Glasses Right Away

By the teenage years, more than 20 percent of people already need corrective lenses. But it's also possible to reach adulthood and still need glasses, while never knowing it. What are the signs you need glasses, anyway?

The symptoms of needing glasses can be less obvious than you might think. Vision changes gradually, and people often adapt to those changes well. This means that you can go for years needing glasses without ever realizing it.

However, if you've been living with less-than-perfect vision, a pair of glasses can make an immense difference in your life (and your look!). Here's how to recognize the signs that you need glasses, and what to do about it next. 


The Most Common Signs You Need Glasses

It's very important to visit an eye doctor if you suspect that you need glasses. They're the only ones who can truly tell the signs you may need glasses. However, if you find yourself experiencing one of these issues, you'll know it's time to book your appointment.


The most obvious sign that you need glasses is that things will start to look blurry. However, this will typically only affect things you see that are very close to you, or very far away. This can make it hard to catch at first.

If you find yourself having trouble reading fine print, or reading far away signs, you should see an eye doctor. Many people are either nearsighted or farsighted. Glasses can help with either issue. 

Frequent Headaches

There can be many different sources of recurring headaches. If you find yourself getting them often, it's wise to consult a doctor to rule out other possible culprits. But for some people, the answer can be as simple as a pair of glasses.

The strain from your eyes trying to see clearly can translate into headaches that seem to come out of nowhere. Fix your vision with glasses, and you might find that the headaches disappear on their own.


Even if you don't get headaches, you'll often still get eyestrain from needing glasses. However, it can be difficult to trace the cause of your eyestrain in our digital world.

If you look at your phone or computer a lot, you might think that that's the culprit of your eyestrain. But if you often feel fatigue or discomfort in your eyes, this could be a sign you need glasses. Again, it's also a good idea to see a doctor to rule out other possible causes of this issue. 

Night Vision Issues

Of course, no human can see perfectly at night. But if you find yourself struggling to see in the dark more than usual, you might need glasses. An eye doctor can also check for other eye issues that might be causing this problem, such as cataracts. 

You might also find yourself having a hard time adjusting from light to dark and back again. If your eyes aren't adjusting quickly to these light transitions, glasses may be able to help. 

Reading Close to Your Face

You might not even realize you're doing it, but if you need glasses, you may gradually start holding books, phones, or other reading material closer to your face. If someone close to you points this habit out, make an appointment to find out if you need glasses.

Similarly, if you find yourself needing more light on your reading material, that's another sign that you could need glasses. While reading in dim light is never ideal, you also shouldn't constantly feel that you need more light to see. 

Losing Your Place in a Book

Frequently losing your place in a book, or needing a finger to keep track of your place, is another surprising sign that you may need glasses.

This symptom often points to astigmatism or eye muscle issues, which corrective lenses can help with. 


Squinting frequently in order to see isn't normal. If you find that you're squinting often to read a book or a sign, you probably need glasses. 

When you squint, you reduce the light coming into your eye, which can temporarily make a blurry image look clearer. However, it's a far less effective fix than a pair of glasses. It's also easy to start squinting more without realizing it, so make sure to pay attention if someone else points it out. 

Noticing Halos Around Light

When your eyes are struggling to focus, a light can appear to have a "halo" around it, or it can look blurry. These halos might be especially obvious at night. Glasses will often fix the problem, although halos can also be a sign of a more serious issue, like cataracts. 

Eye Rubbing

If you rub your eyes a lot, you might be responding to the fatigue and strain that comes from vision problems. When you're struggling to see, your eyes will get tired faster, which will make you feel like you need to rub them. 

Recurring Double Vision

It's definitely not normal to see things twice. If you see double when reading or looking at an object, or if the images look distorted, glasses can help. This is a more severe sign of needing glasses, though -- most people will notice other symptoms before reaching this point. 

So You Might Need Glasses -- What Next?

If you're experiencing one or more of these signs you need glasses, it's time to book an appointment with someone who can help.

The longer you go without corrective lenses, the harder your vision may be to correct. And if there are more serious eye issues at play, it's important to see a professional who can catch them right away. 

Vision plays an important role in your quality of life, so don't neglect it! Book an appointment with an eye doctor today, then get ready to pick out the perfect pair of frames for you. To get started, check out our sale!